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Osteopaths focus on the bones of the body and the nerves that exit from the spine and cranium. As many issues stem from postural dysfunctions, it is essential that we take into account the mobility of the spine. We will assess your standing posture, as well as functional movements of the spine, before embarking on a treatment plan with you. We may choose to use a technique called a manipulation, often referred to as a “crack” or “click”, to treat the spine. You may also choose to not have this technique and we assure you there are many other treatment options, including stretching, massaging and articulating joints. We treat issues including but not limited to:

  • neck stiffness

  • mid-back restriction

  • rib dysfunction

  • lower back pain

  • sciatica and sacrum/tailbone injuries

Osteopaths are trained to see the body as a whole, so while the spine is the centre of the musculoskeletal system, we do look to adjacent joints and body areas to discover the origins of your symptom, with the aim to reduce the symptoms returning.

This holistic treatment style may include considering your: jaw function, eye sight, deep tendon reflexes in the arms and legs, blood pressure, viscera (abdominal + pelvic organs), hip or shoulder alignment and of course other joints such as the elbows, wrists, feet and ankles.